Are you looking for information about for GameStop MW3 midnight release? You can get information about GameStop MW3 midnight release in here. I just want to remind you if Modern Warfare 3 release date is November 8, 2011.
I've just found someone's question in Yahoo!Answers. He ask about GameStop MW3 midnight release and a GameStop employee answer his question. Here is the question and the answer:
I hope the information about GameStop MW3 midnight release above can be useful for you.
Will GameStop stay open until they close from the midnight release ?like say I wanted to get mw3 at like 6 am. Would they be open ?
Midnight releases at gamestop are just that. We basically for MW3 will likely stay open until about 1am and then close until the next morning. If you don't have it preordered and you want it at 6am then hit up a 24 hour place like wally world.
Gamestop Employee
I hope the information about GameStop MW3 midnight release above can be useful for you.